Online Services & Additional Information
Portsmouth City Hall is open and in-person City Council Public Work Sessions and other meetings are taking place in City Hall. Virtual services started during the height of COVID-19 remain in place including City Council Meetings and Public Work Sessions. Connect to city offices and agencies by using our online services or by simply picking up the telephone. For more information about other services not listed here, visit Information on every city department and agency is right at your fingertips.
311 Call Center
Need information, a telephone number or connection to a city department or agency, call the Portsmouth Non-Emergency Call Center at 311.
Commissioner of the Revenue
Own a business in the city of Portsmouth? Need to renew your business license? Or do you have questions about your business or state taxes? Contact the Commissioner of the Revenue office at 757-393-8771; email inquiries to; or visit us online at
City Treasurer
Find various methods to pay bills from drop boxes to online payment services, visit
Human Resource Management
Looking for a job with the city of Portsmouth organization? Find a list of job openings at
Keep up with all the latest exhibits, activities and educational opportunities at the city’s five museums by visiting or reach out by telephone at 757-393-8983.
Portsmouth Public Library
Find the latest best-sellers and keep your children engaged in learning and new educational activities by connecting with the Portsmouth Public Library. Curbside service available at several branches. Visit for details or call 757-393-8501.
Waste Management
Get answers to a host of questions from trash pickup schedule, to recycling, to how to get a replacement for a broken trash can, visit, or you can call Waste Management at 757-393-8663. You can even report issues using our online “report an issue” form at
COVID-19 News Releases
Get caught up on the latest COVID-19 news from around the Commonwealth. Use the links below:
COVID-19 Vaccines for Children & Teens
When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated
How to Protect Yourself & Others
Operation Vaccinate the Peninsula Moves to 1C
Loudoun Expands COVID-19 Vaccinations
Piedmont Health District Expands Vaccinations
Piedmont Health District Holds Vaccination Clinic in Lunenburg County (3/9/21)
Central Shenandoah Health District Will Post Available COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Online (3/9/21)
First Case of B.1.351 COVID-19 Variant Identified in the Central Region of Virginia (3/8/21)
New River Health District Receives new Single Dose COVID -19 Vaccines (3/6/21
New River Valley Public Health Task Force Hosts Live, Virtual Forum, MARCH 11 (3/5/21)
Virginia Department of Health Confirms First Age 0 – 9 Fatality with COVID-19 (3/4/21)
Latest Information About the Coronavirus
Keep abreast of the latest information about the coronavirus, new safety protocols, vaccinations and more using the links below. We have also included links in the bottom navigation of this site to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Virginia Health Department, the Portsmouth Health District and COVID-19 Vaccine background and updates.
Virginia COVID Information Center
Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

(Norfolk, Va.)— The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) today announced that the Community Vaccination Center (CVC) at the Military Circle Mall in Norfolk will close next week on Friday, March 25. Across the Commonwealth, the VDH CVCs have administered more than 330,000 COVID-19 vaccines since they opened in early October 2021. The CVC is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and closed on Sunday and Monday.
- Appointments for vaccination for this final week are encouraged but not required. To make an appointment, visit Norfolk/VAB and input “23502” into the zip code search bar to schedule an appointment at the MCM vaccination center, or call 877-VAX-IN-VA (877-829-4682, TTY users call 7-1-1). The Norfolk COVID-19 hotline (757) 683-2745 can also assist with general questions or scheduling appointments.
- Those who have an appointment should plan to arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to the appointment time. Anyone who has received a prior COVID-19 vaccine should bring their vaccine card or their vaccine record with a QR code. Those under 18 years of age require the presence of a parent or guardian.
The Norfolk Health Department will continue to use the Military Circle site after the CVC closure, providing FREE COVID-19 vaccinations two days a week. Vaccines will be offered on Tuesday from 2 – 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. beginning Tuesday, April 5. There will be no appointments scheduled. This will be walk-in only.
Nearly 92 percent of adults in Virginia have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine with nearly 82 percent fully vaccinated. Nearly 72 percent of all Virginians have been fully vaccinated. About 15.3 million doses of vaccine have been administered across the Commonwealth since vaccines became available.
Virginians who are unvaccinated remain at high risk of severe illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19. VDH recommends individuals who are 12 and older receive booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
To find a vaccine event near you, contact or check the website of your local health department; to schedule a vaccine appointment at a pharmacy or other location, visit or call 877-VAX-IN-VA (877-829-4682, TTY users call 7-1-1). Assistance is available in English, Spanish, and more than 100 other languages.

Beginning February 28, the Community Vaccination Center (CVC) located at Military Circle Mall – 880 N. Military Highway will have new hours. The CVC will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and closed on Sundays and Mondays through March until further notice.

Appointment Only Hours: Saturday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
(Norfolk, Va.)— The Norfolk Health Department today announced that a Community Testing Center (CTC) will open at the Military Circle to provide free Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing for COVID-19 to increase availability in response to public demand. The CTC begins testing at the site on Tuesday, January 11, by appointment only.
“As we face a national shortage of rapid COIVD-19 tests, this expanded capability to use PCR testing will be critical for residents looking for free, reliable testing if they have been exposed to someone ill or may be feeling the symptoms of COVID,” notes Dr. Parham Jaberi, chief deputy commissioner for the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
The Norfolk Health Department has been holding testing events each Monday at the Military Circle Mall since September 2021, but this new operation allowing residents to be tested six days a week will significantly enhance availability and accessibility to tests. This appointment only COVID-19 testing will be held outside the mall structure in a tent to minimize potential exposure of those who are symptomatic and need testing versus those coming in for vaccinations.
Given the high demand for testing, the CTC will operate by appointments only and be open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday thru Thursday. The Norfolk Health Department will however place staff on site to assist individuals with lack of access to internet or who may require further assistance with registration. The testing facility will be closed on Fridays. To find an appointment, visit Enter zip code 23502.
CTC test results will be automatically sent via text or email message to individuals being tested, based on the information provided in the appointment system.
PCR test results are usually available within a few days and are very effective in detecting an active COVID-19 infection, even if asymptomatic. These CTCs are coordinated by the State VDH office and will be operating in addition to existing Community Testing Events which have been locally coordinated and administered through local health departments and community partners.
News media are not permitted inside any CTC during regular hours to ensure patient privacy. Arrangements must be made 24 hours ahead of time with the local health department public information officer (PIO) to tour a CTC outside regular hours. Tours will be escorted by a PIO. No exceptions will be made.
Media members may respectfully approach attendees outside of the facility and talk to them there, if they provide consent.
To learn more about COVID-19 testing, visit the VDH COVID-19 Testing webpage.

Portsmouth Library System to Offer FREE COVID-19 Test Kits
(PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA) – The Portsmouth Public Library system, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), will become a distribution site for free COVID-19 at-home test kits. The library will begin offering the test kits beginning Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Tests are available curbside only. Call to schedule a pickup appointment during the following days and times . . .
- Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. – Main Library (757-393-8501) and Churchland Branch (757-686-2538)
- Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Main Library (757-393-8501) and Churchland Branch (757-686-2538)
- Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. – Cradock Branch (757-393-8759) and Manor Branch (757-465-2916)
When you arrive to pick up your kit, call the library to alert staff of your arrival. Follow the staff member’s instructions to pick up the kit. Do not come into the library, and practice social distancing when you pick up your kit. There is a limit of two tests per household.
To take the test at home, you will need to connect to the internet using Wi-Fi or cell phone data to access eMed and to download the testing app, called Navica. Each person taking a test must create an account. The account will require primary contact information. You will then need to go to to obtain a proctor who will walk you through the testing process. Be prepared to show the proctor your photo-ID. There is no cost for the test or eMed guide. You may access the public Wi-Fi from your vehicle in the parking lot, if necessary. Results should be available within 15 minutes. These instructions are provided with the test kit. Library staff will NOT be able to assist you or answer any questions. All questions about the test-kit, testing process, and results may be directed to the Virginia COVID Information Center at 1-877-829-4682 or Keep in mind that this is a Rapid COVID-19 Antigen test and may NOT satisfy any travel testing requirements. For any additional questions, refer to the testing app or the contact information provided. Properly dispose of any materials from the test-kit.
The at-home test kits are made possible through the Supporting Testing Access through Community Collaboration (STACC) – a new VDH program launched last month. Community members will be able to pick up the free test kits from any branch of the library. Currently, approximately 30 library systems across the Commonwealth are participating in the free eMed program.
If you have questions about the eMed test kit, call 1-866-955-1173. For COVID-19 related questions, call the VDH’s call center at 1-877-829-4682.
Military Circle Mall Community Vaccination Center is the Leading Vaccination Center in the State
Testing Continues on Mondays
(Norfolk-Va.) – The Community Vaccination Center (CVC), at the former Macy’s Department Store location at Military Circle Mall (MCM) located at 880 N. Military Highway, Norfolk is achieving the highest vaccination numbers of all CVCs in the state. Since the MCM’s reopening as a CVC on October 9, the MCM has provided 5,719 vaccines.
All COVID-19 vaccinations will continue to be offered at the MCM including, first, second and third doses, as well as booster doses. VDH is awaiting final approval of the Pfizer vaccines for 5-11 year which is expected to happen imminently and will likely be available next week. All vaccine doses remain FREE to the public. The MCM community vaccination center is open 10 am to 7:30 pm, Tuesdays through Saturdays.
To make a vaccination appointment, visit Norfolk/VAB and input “23502” into the zip code search bar to schedule an appointment at the Military Circle Mall community vaccination center, or call 877-VAX-IN-VA (877-829-4682, TTY users call 7-1-1). Assistance is available in English, Spanish, and more than 100 other languages. The Norfolk COVID-19 hotline (757) 683-2745 can also assist with general questions. Those who have an appointment should plan to arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to the appointment time. Anyone who has received a prior COVID-19 vaccine should bring their vaccine card or their vaccine record with a QR code. If you need a copy of your vaccine record, visit Those under 18 years of age require the presence of a parent or guardian. To learn more about COVID-19, visit
FREE COVID-19 Testing at the MCM will be held Mondays from 2 to 6 p.m. through the end of the year. Testing hours were briefly increased the past two weeks but is returning to the 2-6 pm time frame. On Monday, October 25, there were 121 COVID-19 tests provided. Testing is available for ages 3 and up. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Only PCR testing is available at the MCM; rapid testing is not available. Testing is provide at no charge, identification is not required, and pre-registration is not needed. Dr. Jaberi notes that VDH has worked to make testing as accessible as possible and ask individuals, “Just show up!”
According to the CDC, you should still get a COVID-19 vaccine even if you’ve already had COVID-19. Experts don’t know how long you’re protected from COVID-19 after you recover.
More vaccine facts at:
Three #COVID19 vaccines are authorized and recommended in the U.S.: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen are highly effective in preventing COVID-19 related hospitalizations in older adults, a new study finds. Getting vaccinated with the first vaccine available to you is important to protect yourself and others.
For more info, visit:
Experts say COVID-19 vaccines are extremely effective at preventing serious illnesses, leading to lower hospitalizations and deaths.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises the use of masks and other preventive measures even after inoculation in public indoor spaces where community transmission is high.
Find the CDC report here:
National Vaccine Month of Action Campaign
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched the National Vaccine Month of Action campaign. Volunteers from around the country have organized online events encouraging people to get the COVID vaccine. Talk to your friends and family about getting vaccinated. Get involved in one or more of the activities in surrounding communities to people vaccinated. Use the link below to find a COVID-19 vaccine near your home.
Take action with the Made to Save campaign and find ways to volunteer here >
The CDC Offers Guidance for Summer Camps
Looking to send the children to summer camp or other summer programs? Use the link below to check out the CDC recommendations.
Guidance for Domestic Travelers
People who are fully vaccinated with an FDA-authorized vaccine or a vaccine authorized for emergency use by the World Health Organization can travel safely within the United States. Use the link to find the current guidelines for travelers from the CDC.

Important Update to Face Mask Mandate
If you are fully vaccinated against COVID19, you can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal or territorial laws, including local business and workplace guidance.
The new advice still asks all people to wear masks when entering public transportation, planes, hospitals, doctors offices and prisons. The CDC’s guidance does not overrule individual state mandates on mask-wearing.
I’ve Been Full Vaccinated. What Do I Do Now?
Follow these recommendations to help you make decisions about daily activities after you are fully vaccinated.
Need a copy of your immunization record?
Request a copy of your Covid-19 vaccine record by completeing the Immunization Record Request Form from the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS).
The FEMA-Supported Vaccine Clinic at Military Circle Mall
The FEMA-Supported Vaccine Clinic at Military Circle Mall is supporting walk-ups. No appointment is required. The Clinic is open seven days a week from 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
I’ve Been Full Vaccinated. What Do I Do Now? When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated . . . How to Protect Yourself and Others
Anyone experiencing anxiety or stress related to COVID-19 may call or text VA COPES, a free and confidential COVID-19 response warmline, at:
Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Spanish speakers are available.

Dr. Danny Avula was appointed Virginia’s vaccination coordinator by Gov. Ralph Northam in January. When not on special assignment, he serves as the director of the Richmond and Henrico health districts. Learn more at:
Please click on the following link to read Dr. Avula’s column:
The Virginia Department of Social Services has launched COVID-19 Virginia Resources, a mobile app, and website that provides a one-stop switchboard for programs Virginians need most right now. The Virginia Department of Social Services has launched COVID-19 Virginia Resources, a mobile app, and website that provides a one-stop switchboard for many of the benefits, resources, and programs Virginians need most right now. Visit or download the mobile app in the App Store today.
VDH COVID-19 Hotline
Need info about COVID-19? Call the Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 Hotline for general info about the coronavirus. If you have general questions about COVID-19, you can call the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) COVID-19 Hotline at 757-683-2745. Available Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
COVIDWISE is an innovative exposure notification app that will alert users if they have been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. Virginia is the first state in the country to design a COVID-19 app using Bluetooth Low Energy technology developed by Apple and Google, which does not rely on personal information or location data. Users opt-in to download and utilize the free app.
Become a 2021 VDH Community Ambassador – a grass roots effort to build a network of volunteers. Ambassadors share COVID-19 updates and materials from top experts and sources with their friends, family, work, schools, and other places. If you’re interested, use the link here to sign up for the VDH Community Ambassador Program.